
Living true to oneself appears to be the healthiest way to live.

It is not always the easiest path though.

I am called to live this way, and I am called to advocate for,
and serve others who would seek to live this way too.

Sometimes this is about helping them to heal from issues that have been causing them to suffer. Sometimes this is about helping people to learn, grow, and thrive.

In short then:
I help people to solve problems and create solutions
in order that they might improve their quality of life.

This page shares some details about how and why I do this:
Who I Help. What I Do. My Perspective. My Story. My Vision.

Who I Help

I help people of all ages, all genders, and all walks of life.

Generally they:

  • Are suffering emotionally, mentally, or physically.
  • Feel that something significant is missing, from themselves or from their experience of life.
  • Sense that something is blocking their progress forward and want to clear it.
  • Feel lost as to which path to take and want clarity.
  • Sense they are on the right path but don’t know how to move forward on it.

Sometimes they are experiencing more than one of these things. Sometimes they are in these places because of trauma caused by past events. Sometimes because of events that are current.

What I Do

Helping people to get to a place in life where they feel like they are living well, and/or living a life that feels fulfilling, often begins with helping them to better relate and adapt to life and their experience of it.

This is mostly at the root of what I do; to help people to better relate – to themselves, to others, and to the world, in order to better adapt to the challenges and opportunities that they face.

My Perspective

We are all parts of the same universe. That universe is creative. Therefore we are both created by the universe AND we are the universe creating itself.

There are limits to what we can create, but create we can, and create we do. This is why ‘Live Creative’.

Some aspects of life we have agency to effect. Some we don’t. This applies to other people, the world, and most of all to ourselves.

Living healthily stems from being able to relate as clearly as we can to life, which in turn informs how we adapt to it. Accepting responsibility for our lives and our actions is part of this. Relating to the unknown, to the mystery of life, is another.

My Story

  • Early trauma, prolonged through adolescence, led me to escape the world I grew up in.

  • Travel opened my eyes to different people, different cultures, different languages, religions, philosophies, and ways of being in the world. It sparked and interest in philosophy, psychology, and spirituality. I saw that money, imagination, and attachment were the biggest restrictions on how people lived their lives.

  • Adventure called, mostly in the mountains. Met incredible people living true to themselves. Interest in psychology and spiritual practices deepened. Set up a business on the other side of the world that ran for 7 years and enabled me to travel.

  • After 10 years the way I was living became repetitive. I felt called to a new challenge. I went to university and studied the power and influence of language. Studied hypnosis, the power of symbols, and how these and language influence peoples lives.

  • Worked as an artist, writer, and filmmaker. Addictions reached a peak. Health collapsed. Life fell apart. Was forced to look at myself and face uncomfortable truths.

  • Having unpacked myself and healed from addictions life changed. Another layer, deeper down still needed healing. Eventually sought professional help only to be invited to learn depth psychology and clinical hypnosis.

  • Throughout this whole times I have also been aware of certain experiential/metaphysical principles. The periods in which these have been realised have also informed my perspective on life and my practice.

  • Put together all of my learnings and experience, along with a new found respect and reverence for the psyche, into (c)Live Creative.

My Vision

To serve life.
To heal and thrive.
As individuals, as communities,
as one world.

Clive Austin
Founder and Project Lead.
Therapist, Content Creator,
& Coach



LIFE Therapy,
Hypnotherapy, and Chi Kung

High Quality Course
for the Self Motivated
to Improve Life Quality

Premium Coaching for
Freedom & Fulfilment in
Every Area of Your Life

Please note that, in accordance with ASA guidelines
all testimonials on this site relate to the Coaching Service
and the Creative Instinct online course and not to Therapy.